Wine and Vespas
Yesterday we went to the vineyard to pick up some wine for Marie's dad. He loves Italian white wine, and at $1.25 to $1.35 a liter, filling a demijohn is dirt cheap considering the quality. It's been a year since we headed up to France, so I'm sure all his bottles are dry. I picked up 40 liters for him - 20 of chardonnay and 20 of tocai, plus 5 liters of chardonnay for my basil-lemon liquor. I'll have a fun day in France bottling and corking this batch! One of the demijohns is slightly overfilled, so I expect we'll get 54 or 55 bottles total.

It's strange the first time to see wine being pumped as if it's gasoline. It's even stranger to realize it costs less than gas!
On the way home we stopped by the piazza to have a drink with some friends. Frederico, who runs with me on the local team (and is much faster), was there on his restored 1969 Vespa Grand Turismo.

Cherry! The mint green paint is the original color.
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