Wood & Plaster
The first load of firewood came yesterday. 31.5 quintale (100 kgs) according to the scale. 3,150 kg, or 6,945 pounds. I stacked it last night and this afternoon. Another load will come in a week or two. This should carry us through the winter. A quintale costs €11.5 right now, €10 is the best price you can get if you order your wood in the spring. Guillaume says that's about double the price of northern France. Wish I could get that price!

In other news, I've started redoing the last bedroom, which will be our baby's nursery. It was previously a disgusting orange-peach color (walls and ceiling). You can see the original color next to the way, way red radiator (it will be white when I'm done). I've floated it with fresh plaster and laid down the first coat of white paint.

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