Painting, dropping a wire, and a baptism
Saturday I put the second coat of paint on the ceiling and walls of the nursery. Almost done!
I also installed a light in the entranceway. Why there wasn't one, I'll never figure out. Fortunately, the switch I was running to was not far. Unfortunately, installing a light in an Italian house is much more difficult than dropping a line through a hollow wall, like in the States. The walls here are made of terra-cotta cinder blocks, with 1/2 inch of cement on top, followed by plaster. Installing a line involves a mallet, chisel, and a big mess. Once you have a trench you put in the plastic tube with wires and cement it over, following with plaster. It was several hours for a couple of feet. Next I have to paint!

Sunday we went to Venice for the baptism of Elettra, the daughter of our good friends Pierre and Margherita. After eating for 5 hours, we got home 13 hours after we left. All in all a full day.
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