Saturday, January 05, 2008


There's no real way to describe what I'm feeling here. I left Utah in September 1996 on an adventure that has taken me through 15 countries. Coming back has been a return to reality that I was not prepared for. The one thing I am sure of is that I want more adventure. I want to learn something new everyday, to meet new people, to see new things.

The main things I have noticed are not the chain stores - you see them everywhere. Shopping centers are going up like mushrooms around the world. Instead it's the billboards. Every other one is for a hospital or medical center. The buisness that healthcare has become is ridiculous. People shop for medical procedures, convinced of the care, compassion, and superiority one clinic, while they owe thousands in medical bills for necessary interventions. The non-medical billboards all seem to deal with the housing market, and most show you just how happy your family will be in an oversized house, of course you can afford it.


At 8:49 AM, Blogger Chris and Natalie said...

It's good to hear from you again, Klint.

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Marianne and Bryant said...

It's good to see your back to blogging.

It is an adjustment getting back to the home of the whopper.

Have you bought Ian a little carbon tricycle yet?


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